Interface IContextHandler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClassFilter, AbstractHandler, ArrayTransformer, CycleDetectorHandler, DebugHandler, ListTransformer, MapTransformer, NullHandler, PackageFilter, PageContextHandler, PrimitivesHandler, RequestHandler, ServletContextHandler, SessionContextHandler, StrutsHandler

public interface IContextHandler
extends ILifecycle

The IContextHandler describes an object used to do a subject to node graph serialization.

arno schumacher

Method Summary
 void handle(IContext context)
          The handle method of the IContextHandler is called by the engine each time a subject object should be serialized.
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.servletspy.ILifecycle
destroy, init

Method Detail


public void handle(IContext context)
            throws java.lang.Exception
The handle method of the IContextHandler is called by the engine each time a subject object should be serialized. The IContextHandler may do the serialization itself using the operations provided by the IContext or pass the serialization task to the next IContextHandler by calling the proceed method on the IContext object.

context - The current serialization context
java.lang.Exception - To signal serialization problems

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